June, 08, 2022
Simple Turtlebot Simulation in ROS
In the previous lesson of the series of lessons on Robot Operating System (ROS), you learned how to install Python3, create a ROS workspace, create a ROS package, create simple publishers/subscribers, search ROS packages, delete a ROS package, work with ROSlaunch, and work with rqt which is a ROS visualization tool.
![ros package-simple publisher subscriber in ros](https://minio.news.mecharithm.com:443/mecharithm/ros_package_simple_publisher_subscriber_in_ros_9b3edc2b98.jpg)
This lesson will introduce you to a simple mobile robot simulation and let you play with Turtlebot. There is a brief introduction to robot kinematics as well.
![Simple Turtlebot Simulation in ROS-turtlebot ros-1](https://minio.news.mecharithm.com:443/mecharithm/Simple_Turtlebot_Simulation_in_ROS_turtlebot_ros_1_c0cc1265a1.jpg)
- The table of contents for the entire course.