July, 08, 2022
Localization, Mapping & SLAM Using gmapping Package
In the previous lesson, we downloaded the turtlebot3 simulation package, launched Gazebo and tried to understand its different features and files, and played with an actual robotics turtle.
![Turtlebot3 Gazebo Simulation](https://minio.news.mecharithm.com:443/mecharithm/Turtlebot3_Gazebo_Simulation_7f0059cb20.jpg)
In this lesson in the series of lessons on ROS tutorials, we will understand what localization, mapping, and SLAM mean in Robotics, we will also launch the Turtlebot3 gmapping package in Gazebo, and draw a global map using the robot’s LIDAR (localization + mapping).
![turtlebot3 gmapping localization and mapping](https://minio.news.mecharithm.com:443/mecharithm/turtlebot3_gmapping_localization_and_mapping_e3b462a413.jpg)
- The table of contents for the entire course